

Pirkanmaan Raikas Linja Oy is a family-owned company which is located in Tampere region.

The family-owned company's reputation is build on reliability and professionalism. This is backed by close to 50 years of experience in the cleaning industry.

We apply the quality management standard SFS 5994: technical quality of the cleaning. Measurement and evaluation system (INSTA 800:2010).


Our service

Raikaslinja offers contract cleaning services, wax-removal work and floor waxing in the Tampere area.


Information about Raikaslinja

The reputation of Raikaslinja is based on professionalism, reliability, and considerable business experience in the cleaning industry for many years. Raikaslinja started operations in Finland in 1990.


Contact form

Get a quick, easy quote online. Just provide some basic information and we can give you a full quote along with a description of service.


Provide feedback

We appreciate all feedback, it enables us to continuously provide better service. We respond quickly to all feedback.
